The Magellan

Traveler Blog

One Escribo en Espanol winner
but all Magellan participants are winners!
By: Christophe Chabaudie

Magellan is proud to make the outstanding efforts to offer scholarships and sponsor the celebrated Escribo en Español literary contest. For the seventh year in a row, Magellan Study Abroad is providing the Grand Prize, an immersion trip to Spain, to the winner of this popular competition. The Escribo en Español contest is organized by the Education offices of the Embassy of Spain and the California Department of Education and rewards participating students who write an essay in Spanish organized around a certain theme. This year’s theme was: “Write about an artist that inspires you” and accomplished 11th grader, Eve L. from Torrey Pines High School, has made a difference with her essay. Eve wrote a great piece focusing on, not only one artist but, art in general and her awakening to it. Her entry is an outstanding statement and testimony to Art, all coming from a 16 year old student. Eve will have the amazing opportunity to see and digest numerous masterpieces at the Prado Museum and Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid during her coming trip to Spain!


Magellan has always looked to enroll motivated students who have a passion for languages and cultures. These students want the opportunity – for a short or long period of time – to experience a country as a whole. We believe only a quality homestay experience can offer teens this unique perspective and over the years we’ve been able to make these experiences happen for students nationwide. A participant's time abroad is also a door opening to possibilities never thought of. Such experiences often influence aspirations and career choices. For many students who have experienced time abroad during their high school and college years, they reflect on it as the most positively impacting time of their lives.


At Magellan, we take this role seriously and understand that during a program abroad a lot is at stake. Not only the first experience and approach to a foreign land but also college acceptance opportunities, career orientations, and a confirmed love for languages in general. Our programs are the right balance of fun and learning, with stimulating activities, eye opening workshops, and classes that make a difference. I recently spoke to a returning student who is leaving soon on her second summer with Magellan. All of this right before heading to college in September. She shared with me that although she still plans to study Engineering, she has decided to minor in Spanish. Her life impacting summers as a teen will help create a unique profile and cement her as part of the new generation of professionals, who will be fluent in multiple languages in addition to mastering their specialized skills. A true asset in her career that she may only realize at the time of looking for a first internship or job. Congratulations to Eve and best of luck to Rachel as both of these spectacular young adults are winners!


Interesting Reads:


A Few Words About Safety: The most important yet probably least advertised side of our business.


Keeping the Pulse on Operations: Our hands-on approach allows us to organize the best experience for our students.

Study Abroad Destinations for Teens: The Seemingly Overwhelming Selection The Spanish Speaking World Offers.